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Recreation Committee Minutes 2013/06/11
Sunapee Town Hall
June 11, 2013

Chair: Vacant                           Type of Meeting: Monthly
Vice Chair: Paul Skarin
                                Minutes prepared by: Charleen Osborne

Committee Members - Paul Skarin, Charleen Osborne, Erica Belisle, Craig Heino
Recreation Director – Scott Blewitt
Non Members – John Augustine, Brandon Flemming, Brian Garland, Chief Cahill

Paul called the meeting to order at 6:34PM. Minutes from May 2013 were read. Corrections: Remove the “the” in second paragraph of Baseball update. Change 1 Paddleboard to 2.Motion to accept: Erica Seconded: Charleen. All were in favor.

Agenda Item: Election of Officers

  • Charleen nominated Erica as Chair, Paul Seconded. All were in favor
  • Erica nominated Charleen for Secretary, Craig seconded. All were in favor

  • The Committee decided that starting in 2014 the June meeting will be the election of officers, and that it will be an annual election.

Agenda Item: Dewey Beach – Dead Trees

Scott recapped the Dewey Beach issue: Since Fall 2004/Spring 2005 2-4 trees died. Then 3-4 Linden trees were planted. In 1-2 years they all died. Then 3 Red Maples were planted and 2 of those died. In May 2013 the Hemlocks were found to have had most of a 10 lb. back of Rock Salt poured around them. The group had further discussion as to what to do with this issue.

Action needed: Scott will be planting new trees

Agenda Item: Brandon Flemming

Senior project request: Brandon would like to renovate the basketball court next to Veteran’s Field. New Hoops, Rims, Nets, and Fence on parking lot side & baseball field side. Charleen: motion to accept, Erica: Seconded. All were in favor.
Agenda Item: Dewey Field – Mt. Royal

Scott reports: there was a meeting today; conservation is involved due to deed restrictions. Mt. Royal is requesting feedback from heirs. This project is in the beginning stages.
Agenda Item: Fireworks: Chief Cahill

Chief Cahill voiced his concerns that he has a small department and would need extra coverage to handle the crowd during the Fireworks. He would like to bill the Rec Dept. to pay for 4 additional officers (Sheriff’s Dept.?) at detail pay. He believes the cost could be $2400.00.

The Committee discussed and asked why this event isn’t currently included in the Police Dept. Budget? Will it be next year? Is there a way to pay less? We decided that we need to put on the August Agenda to have a debriefing from the Sunapee Police & Sunapee Fire from the 4th of July Events.

*Note: Barges for fireworks will be loaded @ Dewey Beach before Noon.
Agenda Item: Bike Race – Brian Garland

Brian Garland & Mark Gurney are Co-Chairs of the Horror at Harding Hill Bike Race. The Race takes place Sunday July 21st starting at 9:00 AM and completed by 12:00.  The Kid’s race is prior to the Adult race. Brian informed us that 130 people raise about $2000.00. He needs about 10-15 people for volunteers for this event and each person is needed for about 4 hours. Rhonda Gurney is the Committee member overseeing the event.
Agenda Item: Other Business

  • We discussed the need to advertise for an additional Committee member before we review applications to make sure people are aware of the vacancy.
  • Thank you gift for Patricia Halpin in the works for her years of service to the Rec. Comm.

Charleen made the motion to adjourn. Motion seconded by Craig.
All were in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 7:54PM.

The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday July 9th at 6:30 PM.
Respectfully Submitted, Charleen La Rivee Osborne